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Home » Announcements » Announcements CCHOA » JAMAICA NEWSLETTER - January 2023




Dear Neighbors,

Happy New Year! I hope you had a safe holiday and were able to take a moment to enjoy the season. 2023 is already off to a fast pace, so I wanted to take a moment to fill you in on the exciting things happening in Jamaica Village and a few reminders too.

Friendly Reminders:

· Dogs Need to Remain on Leash and Under Control, when outside the immediate confines of your property, except in designated areas. (Ref. 4.4.2 CCHOA Member Handbook:*. As a dog owner, I know we believe our furry babies can do no harm, but for the safety of all, while in Jamaica Village and surrounding areas of the Cays, we must keep our dogs on leash.

· Please put your trash cans away by Monday evening.

· If you go out of town, please request Safety and Coronado Police Department for extra patrol of your home. This is a benefit that should be taken advantage of and helps with mitigating crime.

· Please call Coronado Police (619) 522-7350 if you see something that looks like a crime may have been committed. Call 911 if you see something in progress. Then, call CCHOA Safety: (619) 575-8100.


We had hoped to get the neighborhood together for a Holiday Party, but because of the uptick in COVID cases and other viruses affecting the public, we erred on the side of caution.

· Keep your ears peeled for upcoming social gatherings. We had great help with decorating the Clubhouse for the Holiday Season.

· Pre-Thanksgiving social with lots of pies and a great turnout.

· A special 2022 Jamaica Village Christmas Tree Ornament was delivered to each owner’s home.

Boat Task Force:

We had our first initial meeting to discuss maintenance of the docks, kayak racks, and beach cleanup.

· The HOA is in the process of replacing 5 pilings on the docks with Bellingham Marine which we hope to accomplish by April, 2023.

· The kayak racks have seen better days. Keep an eye out for a reminder to remove your kayak, SUP’s and other inflatables so that the racks can be repaired, and we can have a nice beach to use this summer.

San Diego County Vector Control Program:

Earlier in the Fall, I had several meetings with the San Diego County Vector Control Program.

· They explained that they did have a treatment that failed which caused an influx of mosquitoes (and which many of you noticed). Although we don’t see as many mosquitoes at this time of the year because of the colder weather, please let me know if you start to notice a problem. There are several drains that have grates which can hold stagnant water, but these are monitored by the Vector Control Program every few weeks: especially with the extreme high and low tides.

Jannet Jacobo, Supervisor with the Vector Control Program, said, “We follow the tides according to NOA and we applied pesticide as needed.” (As a side note, the mosquitoes can breed in a capful of water, so if you have standing water in your side or backyards, please remove the water). Also, I spoke with Chris from the environmental side of the County Vector Control Program, and he explained that the king tides are hard to determine how much or little of the larvicide needs to be parsed in and around the saltwater marsh in front of Loews Hotel.

· The SD County Vector Program gave me this info to pass on to you:

1. “We do have a service that people can request where a technician will do an educational evaluation of their yard for any signs or risk factors for rats (for instance the technician will be looking for rat droppings, things that can attract rats, place where rats may be able to enter a home.) As part of the inspection the resident will also get a free rat trap. This is completely free of charge and can be requested by any interested resident by calling our main number (858) 694-2888 or emailing with their address, contact info, and the service they are requesting.

2. Residents can continue to reach out to us individually for rat or mosquito inspections. If residents do come to you with issues, you can also reach out to us as well. We do have some magnets with our number to call if you’d like us to send some of those to share with the residents.”

· Neighbors mentioned an increase in rats and opossums in the neighborhood. More rat traps were placed along Coronado Cays Blvd, in front of the main walls as well as around the malls and near the Clubhouse.

· Opossums are our ecosystem friends…please take a moment to read some of these great articles provided by our Landscape Point, Shellee Vance:




Crossman Landscaping has made great efforts to add beauty to our neighborhood.

Some of the highlights include:

· Update/ fix sprinkler systems and make sure they are on an automated timer system, 3 days a week, and up to the standards of drought regulations. Additionally, the common areas are watered during the week, so to avoid running into issues on the weekend.

· They have been proactive with trimming back infected hibiscus plants and trimming hedges so that the rodent population is minimized, i.e. trimming hedges and trees away from fences and lowering hedge height.

· Jamaica Village monuments (walls with Jamaica Village signage) have been embellished with a rock bed in the shape of a wave, to keep the sidewalks clean.

· Cutting back trees/palms that pose a liability in common area


I had the opportunity to sit down with Captain Kulling from Coronado Police Department and our very own head of Safety, Gene Rowley.

· Coronado PD is working to implement more safety campaigns for E-Bikes:


· Safety Patrol continues to keep an eye out on general safety issues and helps patrol Jamaica Village Docks.

· Continued discussion with the Police Department about the 4 way stop at Jamaica Village Road and Half Moon Bend; referred to City Engineering and extra patrol of the area.

· Discussion about hydrofoil boards and Harbor Patrol working with Coronado PD.

Items we are looking into for Jamaica Village:

· Air Conditioning for the Clubhouse to make it a “Cool Zone” during the summer months

· TV and/or projector system for the Clubhouse

· Increase social activities

· Replacing plexiglass around pool fence

· Security Cameras near docks

· Continue to work with Coronado Police and City of Coronado for issues associated with safety

· Wall Cap to be repaired

For Your Information:

· You may have already seen the letter from the HOA, but regarding the Cottages at the Cays, please note that it has been delayed until February 14 (not the 1st of February as previously mentioned). See the link below for the information and documents:

· If you smell a strong odor that doesn’t seem to come from the beach or bay, please email me at as the water treatment facility is supposed to be flushed every other week.

Thank you for your continued support and as always if you have any concerns, please send me an email: and cc the HOA at:


Deanna Sheldon

Dir. Jamaica Village

*4.4.2 Animals At Large – Unrestrained - (CMC 32.04.060) No person owning, having an interest in, harboring, or having the care, charge, control or possession of any animal shall allow such animal to be, remain, go or run at large within the City of Coronado, except dogs are allowed to be off leash in dog run areas designated by the City Council, provided they remain under control of their owner/custodian. The southwest corner of the Coronado Cays Park has been designated as a dog run by the Council. 21 At large means being on any private property without permission of the person who owns or has a right to possess or use the property, or unstrained by a leash on either public property, unless expressly permitted by law, or private property open to the public, or in any place or manner which presents substantial risk or imminent interference with any animal, or to public health, security or welfare.