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Caulerpa Prolifera Update - October 27, 2023

Dear Coronado Cays Owners:

The latest survey map is attached for your information and includes diver reports from earlier this week. Additional surveys were completed heading north along the CCYC docks, Green Turtle Road docks, and the channel between Green Turtle and CCYC, and at Antigua west docks. No new Caulerpa infestations were found. The latest survey map was also shared with the CCYC Commodore.

The Antigua Village Director Dennis and HOA General Manager attended the Southern California Caulerpa Action Team (SCCAT) weekly meeting on Wednesday afternoon. All Caulerpa in Port waters (east of Antigua) has been covered and eradication is in progress utilizing funds provided by the Port of San Diego. Efforts continue to obtain funding to eradicate the infestation in City waters (north side of Antigua and along the channel between Antigua and Green Turtle). The City of Coronado has not declared a local state of emergency. California Department of Fish & Wildlife is optimistic that they can have $500,000 available to eradicate the algae if a state of emergency is declared. Estimated cost to eradicate the algae is $300,000.

Rumors are circulating that the infestation will shut down the waterways in the Cays for an extended period of time. A SCCAT regulatory meeting was also held this week and there was no discussion or recommendation to shut down any waterways. The CCHOA has reached out to owners in the vicinity of the Caulerpa infestations and asked them to not move vessels until the infestations are covered or gently move smaller vessels to another non-affected location.

Dock projects in the Cays were also discussed at the regulatory meeting. Bahama, Antigua, Kingston, and individually owned dock projects were reviewed and approved to move forward, pending normally required permits, with additional survey requirements imposed if piling replacements were involved. Antigua and Kingston docks projects do not include piling replacement.

We will continue to keep you updated and try to dispel rumors.


CCHOA Management