July 4th weekend is approaching as the Homeowners Association is wrapping up the 2019-2020 fiscal year. Unfortunately, this year’s celebration will be much different from previous years in Coronado with the absence of the traditional parade and fireworks over Glorietta Bay. The coronavirus pandemic is still active and impacting everything we do as the number of new cases surges in response to the loosening of restrictions. We continue to monitor the situation and follow the guidance provided by the state, county, and city. The HOA has reopened the Trinidad/Kingston and Port Royale/Mardi Gras pools with full-time monitors, and recently implemented an online reservation system to make it easier to book the one-hour slots. The tennis court in Port Royale/Mardi Gras is also open. COVID-19 precautions and extra cleaning of touchpoints and furniture are in place to help minimize the potential spread of the virus.
We have made significant progress on the major planned projects for 2019-2020 despite the pandemic and are over 50% complete with the Kingston Village renovation and over 80% complete with the epoxy lining of drainage piping in Antigua Village. Flat roof sealing was completed in Mardi Gras Village along with a significant amount of general roof repairs. Clubhouse renovations and projects were completed for Port Royale/Mardi Gras and Bahama/Antigua while the pool/spa was resurfaced in Montego Village. HOA Admin restroom renovations are complete for the Women’s room and have started on the Men’s room. Completed landscape renovations included the Cays entrance circle and exterior planted areas along Highway 75 along with new signage and palm tree lighting, a major renovation of Montego Village affecting all four buildings and common areas, the planted area along Grand Caribe Causeway outside of Antigua Village, the planted areas along Coronado Cays Boulevard from Montego to Blue Anchor, landscape drainage installation in Mardi Gras Village, and a landscape/bark refresh in Antigua Village. A long-awaited upgrade to modern weather-based irrigation controllers was started with Montego and Green Turtle Villages leading the way. All villages and common area controllers, approximately 100 in total, are planned to be upgraded by the end of the 2021-2022 fiscal year. Painting projects were directly impacted by the coronavirus as contractors were forced to shut down operations based on being deemed non-essential. Still, we managed to complete the scheduled homes in Jamaica Village and made progress on installing the new paint palette in Bahama Village. Mardi Gras Village townhome painting was completed prior to the pandemic.
Major projects planned for 2020-2021 will continue to preserve the Cays while modernizing and refreshing homes and villages. Completion of the renovation projects in Kingston and Antigua are a priority along with a major waterproofing project for the parking structure/tennis courts in Montego. Kingston docks will undergo a major renovation of select docks and headwalk sections in conjunction with a complete replacement of electrical, water, and firefighting equipment. Painting projects are planned for Jamaica, Bahama, and Port Royale Villages and the interior of the Bahama/Antigua clubhouse. The Antigua Village garage electrical system is planned for an upgrade to support individual metering and increased capacity for the charging of electric cars. Trinidad/Kingston clubhouse is up next for a major facelift and replacement of appliances and furniture. Additionally, the tennis court at Mardi Gras/Port Royale will undergo and a fence replacement and receive a new surface. Lastly, a seawall inspection is planned for applicable villages and common areas within villages. A complete listing of projects budgeted in the Reserve accounts for your village and the common areas was provided in the annual budget packet.
Our Annual Meeting, scheduled for September 10, 2020 is quickly approaching as we prepare to elect/re-elect directors for Jamaica, Green Turtle Cay, Bahama, Antigua, and Trinidad Villages per our Bylaws. The Board approved holding the meeting virtually this year as the coronavirus pandemic is still ongoing and Loew’s ability to support was uncertain. Details for joining the Zoom meeting will be provided and with the help of our legal counsel, Epsten APC, all members will be able to attend. Linda Pippenger was also approved as the Inspector of Elections for 2020 and she and her team will be counting the ballots with a live feed. You should have already received your notification of the Annual Meeting/ballot. If not, please contact the HOA Office and we will assist with providing a duplicate
Good Neighbor/Member Tip: Be considerate of your neighbors during the warm summer months and keep the noise down late at night. Most homes have their windows open to stay cool and sound travels. Move inside and carry on your conversation.
Note: Annual Meeting date has been updated to reflect the new schedule as compared with the August issue of the Coronado Cays Living magazine.