Hi Neighbors,

Happy Springtime!

Don’t know about anyone else, but I was glad to see the time change . . .

As part of the ongoing effort to keep everyone informed, I am offering this update and have scheduled a “Town Hall” for 6:00pm on April 29th.

Jamaica Village Event Notifications

Let’s start with a couple quick announcements:

  • Kentucky Derby Party (May 4th) – The only question is: How authentic do we want to make it? Hat Contest? Best Mint Julep? Funny Money Derby Wagers? All winners receive ‘Bragging Rights’ for the year and the admiration of the neighborhood. Since Cinco de May is the next day, we’ll even recognize Margaritas – real and virgin – as authentic Derby refreshments.
  • Memorial Day Village BBQ/“Block” Party (May 27th) – Let’s be honest. By Monday, everyone is tired of traveling through the traffic. Might as well stay home, hang out for a couple hours midafternoon with the ‘fun neighbors,’ throw something on the grill, and share a few laughs by the Clubhouse. Best End-of-the 3-Day Weekend sunburn wins…
  • Coronado Lifeguards’ JV Beach Safety Event (June 15th) – Still finalizing these plans, but as summer begins, thought it would be helpful if Coronado Lifeguards offered a morning ‘beach and kayak/SUP safety’ seminar on JV Beach, as well as an opportunity to speak about their Jr. Lifeguard program. Remember however, by that date the first session of the Jr. Lifeguard program will be mostly full and it will likely be too late to take the required swim test for that session. The second session may still have spots, but if your family is interested, please consider signing up with Coronado Lifeguards as soon as possible.
  • Kayak/SUP Outing (June 29th) – We’ll have a rack by May… Lord knows this Village has kayaks and SUPs. Question is: Do we have folks who actually know how to use them? Let’s find out on June 29th. How about a Village paddle around the Cays? One hour: 10:00 AM start?

Kayak Rack Update

It’s here . . . almost . . .

Actually, the rack is ready for install, and was being installed, but evidently someone called the City and raised a “permitting issue,” which I expect to resolve by next week.

Anticipating the rack will be installed by mid to the end of the month (April), would like to begin the ‘lottery’ process for securing space in the rack as soon as possible. Homeownersinterested in securing rack space should email me at dirjamaica@cchoa.org . PLEASE INCLUDE:

  • Your name
  • Street address
  • Email
  • Telephone number, and
  • Number of kayak or SUP spaces requested (max 2)

Submission Deadline: April 26th

Pool Equipment Changeover – Saltwater

The Village is getting healthier . . .

In general, saltwater pools offer a healthier swimming experience – better for your eyes, skin, ears, lungs, and ‘internal systems’ when water is inadvertently ingested. With approximately 10% the salt content of a tear, the pool water will feel softer and be much healthier as the salt generation system maintains balanced water chemistry levels without the need to add chlorine powder/tablets and other chemicals directly to the pool. Chlorine tablets will serve only as a backup in the event of a system failure so that sanitized, clean water is guaranteed no matter what happens.

Simply put, salt is far safer than chlorine, not poisonous, corrosive, nor is it a fire hazard. Jamaica Villagers deserve this improvement!

JV Clubhouse Bookings & Facility Usage

Booked Clubhouse Events and Conflicting Uses – Over the past two months, the Village has had two occasions when, on the day of long scheduled Clubhouse parties – those that had been properly reserved, paid for, and booked well in advance – other residents who had not done so nonetheless held large parties at the same time, outside in the adjoining common/BBQ area. While no formal complaints were filed, the outdoor parties improperly and unnecessarily imposed on those who had scheduled use of Clubhouse facilities, inside and out. If residents know they would like to use Clubhouse amenities for a party – say a children’s birthday or other event particularly where the date is known in advance – please contact the HOA office to reserve the Clubhouse (even the outdoor BBQ area) so as to be sure your intended use does not conflict with or impose upon another’s reserved use.

Each of us is asked to make certain that we extend to our neighbors the courtesy of planning ahead so that our parties do not overlap another’s previously-scheduled event. Let’s be considerate and courteous as a Village.Please keep in mind that should any conflict arise, or imposition be perceived, the non-scheduled party/event will be asked to relocate immediately from the common area.Additionally, have been informed by HOA staff that inflatable jumpers are no longer permitted on common area property in the Cays absent appropriate indemnity agreements from the homeowner/resident hosting an event and from the equipment vendor. This means homeowners need to plan such events in advance, and get those documents done. Keep in mind that to avoid this requirement, others have been holding parties and setting up jumpers in the city’s children’s park located just a couple hundred yards to our North.

JV Ad Hoc Committees

As previously noted, the Village formed seven ad hoc committees, each having met several times and playing ongoing roles in helping to guide Village decisions.

I cannot express well enough my appreciation for their time and efforts. Thank you committee members! I do not know what I would do without you.

A quick recap of some of the projects and issues they are working on…

  • Capital Projects – This Committee has assisted in evaluating both scheduled maintenance/reserve and new capital projects, as well as bid processes/efficiencies, pitfalls, and contractor qualifications.
  • Color Palette – Unbeknownst to many of us, a Village color palette had been selected last year, which many felt was limited and inconsistent with the history and character of our unique Village. Given those concerns this Committee was formed to ensure that rather than a single individual approving/deciding the propriety of house color requests – whoever is the then serving Director – the Committee would serve as a resource, offering Directors guidance and input on such requests based on a palette reflecting a broader list of color goals and objectives. Those goals include the ‘grandfathering’/approval of all existing colors, the encouragement of coastal/beach colors as well as the original Caribbean-influenced palette that made this Village the uniquely attractive community upon which Cays living was launched!
  • Clubhouse/Social/Events – One would think this an easy Committee to get started. Truth is, it’s not. Event planning and coordination takes a lot of time. While the schedule is coming around slower than I’d hoped, we are making progress and I do believe it will be quite robust by year-end. Stay tuned . . .
  • Docks – Let’s face it. Many, if not most, of us live in the Cays because we share an affinity for the water, and boats. Over the years, the Dock Committee has shepherded and protected management of what I believe is a vital Village attribute and resource of the Village. However, the Committee’s control over the docks has been limited, with the HOA asserting more management over the past 10 years. We’re changing that. The Committee’s efforts have revealed that while dock operations have generated significant annual revenue for the Village, which helped to reduce our HOA monthly dues, that transfer of revenue raises questions as to the proper allocation of reserve revenue for future dock-related needs and maintenance. That is just one of several financial/reserve issues coming into greater focus.
  • Finance – Serving on the Finance Committee is often a thankless difficult task, not to mention it can be time-consuming. Having neighbors willing to do so is a blessing for all of us. I am grateful to them for serving on the Committee. Having now spent seven months reviewing countless versions of financial statements, reserve assessments, budgets and draft budgets, all I can say is I’m just about as confused as when I began doing so. Yes, numbers change monthly, but there is more to it than that. There is a growing angst about Reserve funding and reserve funding philosophy. Not certain if that is the product of a learning curve unique to the CCHOA’s financials or a systemic approach to underfunding reserve commitments. Am confident the collective intellect of the Committee will help the Village garner a clearer understanding of these issues and that we can update everyone with more information at the Town Hall.
  • Kayak Rack/Beach – What can I say? Good people who care greatly about making sure the Village gets back its cherished racks. Thank you!
  • Landscape – Sometimes it’s good to point out the obvious. Landscaping in this Village is a diverse collection of vegetation and trees that vary from street to street, mall to mall. Thematic it is not. Problematic it can be. Fortunately, the Committee was reconstituted in the Fall and has begun to reassert itself in working with HOA staff and the landscaper to establish a landscaping identity rather than simply fill in missing plants from a menu of plant options. We are hoping to work with staff at Quail Gardens/SD Botanic Garden in obtaining guidance as to better landscaping/vegetation options more consistent with our location/micro-climate. It’s an ongoing process, and we will make progress . . . Do need to ask the neighborhood for some help with two landscaping-related issues:
    • Landscaping staff has noted an increase in the amount of pet waste being left in common areas. As a dog owner myself, I have to ask: Really? Come on folks, we’re better than that. Please pick up after your pets. Make sure that they are not let out on their own and that those who have ‘walking’ duties understand that includes cleaning up after our animal family members. Thank you.
    • For some reason, the Village seems to have an ongoing problem with foot traffic through the planted area on the northern side of the Village entrance/corner of Jamaica Village Road and Coronado Cays Blvd. Trampled vegetation has been replaced only to be trampled again shortly afterward. Rocks are regularly kicked onto the sidewalk. Broken sprinklers. Trash/wrappers are left among the plants, and landscape lighting knocked down, moved, or torn out. Unsure why that is such a problem area but am hopeful that parents who spend time there daily waiting for/with children riding the bus could observe/monitor the area going forward and report any issues to me or the HOA.

I said it before and I’ll say it again: We are quite fortunate to live in a unique and friendly community, Jamaica Village. I remain hopeful that each one of us will find a bit more time this year to enjoy JV, to meet neighbors, and to make friends.

Hope to see you at the Town Hall.

Drew J. Couto Director (Interim) for Jamaica Village, Coronado Cays